The Big Girl

2022, watercolor, charcoal

The girl woke up to find her feet were hanging out of her bed. She’d grown bigger than when she’d fallen asleep the night before.
Her clothes didn’t fit her anymore, and she couldn’t get into her shoes.
When she went to school, she was stuck between her desk and the chair. And the children all laughed at her.
She‘d never stopped growing since that day.
She could only walk in her bare feet and all she could wear was a bed sheet, as there weren’t any shoes or clothes in the house that would fit her.
At the dinner table, the spoon and fork looked like toys in her hands. And the food didn’t fill her up at all.
Soon, she wasn’t able to leave her room anymore, because she was too big to get through the door.
And she had nowhere to sit, because all the chairs collapsed under her. She could only sit on the floor, her head bent against the ceiling.
She cried day and night.
Until one night, she couldn’t stand it any longer.
She broke down the wall and stepped out of the house.
Then, she started to run. She ran and she ran.
  While she was running, she was still growing. Soon, she became taller than the trees.
Then, taller than the tallest buildings.
Eventually, she became as big as the sky.

Copyright © 2022 by Xinyue Chen (Maiyashu)

All rights reserved.